Municipal Security Program Starter Pack

Start Fast

Designed for Municipal Government. Leverage your existing IT and Management staff to quickly stand up a security program. The platform was developed to make building a security program easy. Building an effective security program requires significant investment in people, process, and technology. Our platform enables your IT and Management staff to build a security program from the ground up without hiring a costly security team.

Document templates and built-in training, paired with curated action plans allows you to make pragmatic improvements to security and demonstrate alignment to trusted standards.

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Standards Aligned Policies

Your security program begins with reviewing and adopting security policies. We built lightweight policies that adhere to NIST 800-53 standards tailored to municipal government. Program activities are mapped to other standards including SOC 2, ISO 27001, NIST CSF, CIS 20, and CMMC.

Powerful Automated Tools

We automated complicated security activities to help you focus on running your organization.

Network Scans: Ensure your network perimeter is secure and meets common audit requirements.

User Audit: Check monthly to ensure that the correct users are provisioned in AWS, Azure, GCP, and GitHub.

Risk Management: Trackers enable vendor management and risk registration to support your risk management program.

Questionnaires: Create and manage customer questionnaires and get help when you need it.

(Coming Soon) Secure Configuration Guides:

(Coming Soon) Curated Threat Intelligence Feed:

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Task Management

Keep track of what you need to do to meet your policies. Assign tasks, set due dates, keep running notes and attach evidence as you go.

Security Training

A robust security program must include security training, as well as the ability to track it to prove that it has been done.

We include training for your entire team, including learning how to run the program, general security awareness, and developer and cloud training topics.

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Track Progress

Our dashboard captures a deeper view of maturity that can be an effective communication to stakeholders and funding sources.

Dig deeper and see where you stand related to prominent standards. The dashboard supports detailed breakdowns for NIST-CSF, CIS 20, SOC 2, ISO 27001 and CMMC.


We are here to help! Support is available through the app, Slack, email, and teams-based support if you ever run into problems with the platform.

If you require Hands on or Compliance related support with a task, please see our list of additional services to help further expedite your program development.

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Contact Us

867 Boylston Street

5th Floor

Boston, MA 02116

617-272-4322 x600